School Alerts


At Waverley Academy, reading is at the heart of all we do. The intent of our English curriculum is to ensure that all children pass through the ‘reading gateway’. Early reading is prioritized and Core texts are central to our learning environments.


We ensure that the curriculum at Waverley academy, is accessible to all and that we maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more.


Our aims are;

To ensure ALL children pass through the ‘Reading Gateway’.

To ensure that learning is visible and  Core texts are clear within our learning environments.

To ensure children access a language rich environment and vocabulary is prioritized.

To develop a love of reading, that stays with Waverley learners for a lifetime.

To enable pupils to know more, remember more and understand more and use their writing skills as a means of demonstrating this;

  • To promote a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards writing;
  • To create an interest in words and their meanings in order to broaden vocabulary;
  • To create confident, independent writers and spellers;
  • To provide the chance for every child to become a writer;
  • To create writers who can re-read, edit and improve their own writing;
  • To create writers with a legible, joined and fluent handwriting style;
  • To prepare pupils for the next stages of their education;
  • To provide regular opportunities for pupils to write for a range of purposes and audiences;

· To develop a broad range of writing skills that can be applied to a wide range of text types and genres across the whole curriculum;

You can find more information of how and why we teach English in this way below.

Waverley Academy’s English Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

English Policy

You can find out about our Core texts here;

Core Texts and Extended Writes Yearly Overview



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