PHSE/RSE at Waverley Academy
At Waverley Academy, children come first and our priority is to deliver high quality teaching and learning whilst at the same time providing rich and truly enjoyable learning experiences for our community of children. Everything we do as a school is to ensure that the children achieve their very best, and that they are socially and emotionally ready for academic success. We are deeply aware that children only get one chance at their primary education and it is our job to ensure that they all reach for the highest levels of personal achievement and development.
The vision of the curriculum at Waverley Academy is to give all pupils the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. The Waverley Curriculum ethos aims to create a thirst for learning, through first hand experiences and stimulating hooks, that broaden horizons and pushes expected boundaries. Children will leave Waverley Academy successful, with a love of learning that remains with them for their next phase in education.
Here, at Waverley Academy we value PSHE as one way to support children’s development as human beings, to enable them to understand and respect who they are, to empower them with a voice and to equip them for life and learning. We include the statutory Relationships and Health Education within our whole-school PSHE Programme. To ensure age content appropriate progression, we use the whole school scheme Jigsaw as our chosen teaching and learning programme and tailor it to our pupils’ needs. The mapping document: Jigsaw 3-11 and statutory Relationships and Health Education, shows exactly how Jigsaw and therefore our school, meets the statutory Relationships and Health Education requirements.
We inspire:
- broad and balanced, knowledge rich, cumulative and inclusive curriculum providing reliable information about sex and relationships
- teaching will be complementary and supportive to the role of parents/carers
- though developing pupil confidence in discussing sex and relationships including the development of positive attitudes towards self and others with differing views
- by providing opportunities to explore issues relating to emotional, physical and moral development in a safe and secure environment
We believe:
- All pupils can develop their understanding of RSE in supportive and age appropriate ways
- appropriate questions should be answered openly and honestly in ways appropariate to pupil age
- in empowering pupils to make informed choices as part of their life-long learning and for them to have the confidence and information to make informed choices.
We challenge:
- by setting clear ground rules will be established prior to discussions in RSE to set high expectations of respect and tolerance
- by ensuring no pupil feels embarrassed or uncomfortable about the topics discussed
- pupils to recognise the value of family life and stable, loving and respectful relationships as key building blocks to community and society
We achieve:
- pupils are able to effectively communicate about issues associated with sex and relationships
- pupils understand the importance of stable, loving and respectful relationships and the value of these relationship qualities within family life and wider society
- pupils move with confidence from childhood to adolescence and beyond
- understand the responsibilities of parenthood and safe relationships.
Please find below our long term overview for the teaching of RSE;
Please find below our RSE policy;
Waverley Academy’s RSE-policy-2022-2023
Please find below our Safeguarding Curriculum;
The Waverley Safeguarding Curriculum
Please find below our British Values Policy;
SMSC and British Values at Waverley Academy