School Alerts


At Waverley Academy Wellbeing is a school priority. 

We have a 3 step tiered approach to support this area through:

  1. Quality First Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum for all- PHSE Curriculum (Please see ‘Curriculum Tab’ for further information)
  2. Targeted support – From our dedicated pastoral team – Mrs Johnson- Pastoral Lead/Learning Support Assistant, Mrs Wilby- SENCo & Mrs Stanton- Headteacher
  3. Wider Strategies– Led by Mrs Wilby, SENCo, Ms Reed Wellbeing/Families and Safeguarding Lead . These strategies include guiding additional targeted support in school, referrals to other professionals and specialists, signposting to information and organisations that can provide parents and carers with guidance and support.
  4. Bespoke Strategies– This approach is supported by the Headteacher and our Families and Safeguarding  Leader, Ms Reed and teacher led assemblies, the work of our ‘Well-being’ Ambassador, the focus of our ‘Well-being Charter’ for both children and adults.

Waverley Well-being

Each morning children are greeted with a calm and purposeful learning environment. Each week, all children take part in a well being ‘check in’ and ‘check out’ sessions. This is a dedicated part of the school week, where children take a moment to reflect on how they are thinking and feeling. Staff actively support to discuss how they are feeling and what we can do to support.

Daily Mile

At Waverley Academy, we understand how important physical activity is, to mental well-being. Each day the whole school takes part, in a 5 minute physical activity session. Children and staff can  choose to run, skip or walk, and see how many laps of the school field they can complete in 5 minutes.

Well-being Ambassadors

At Waverley academy, children’s mental well-being is a priority. Each term, class representatives are put forward to become ‘Well-being’ ambassadors. These are children who have shown great empathy. Each month they meet with Ms Reed (Families and Safeguarding lead) to discuss how to keep themselves safe, well and happy. The Well Being Ambassadors, then share this information with their classes and are always on hand to support their peers.

Behaviour Curriculum

At Waverley academy we believe successful relationships are underpinned by the positive ethos promoted in the academy culture; a culture which demands high expectations of staff and pupils and which also demonstrates respect, tolerance and understanding of differences, in the drive towards equity of opportunity and high aspirations for all.

We aim to create a culture of exceptionally good behaviour: for learning, for community and for life.

We aim to build a community which values kindness, care, respect, tolerance and empathy for others and to help learners take control over their behaviour and be responsible for the consequences of it. We encourage pupils to value the diversity in our society and the environment in which they live whilst becoming active and responsible citizens, contributing to the community and society.

Through encouraging positive behaviour patterns we promote good relationships throughout the academy community built on trust and understanding. We believe that as pupils practise these behaviours, over time they become habits that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them. As philosopher Paul Durant states “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” (1926)

Please find below our whole school Behaviour Curriculum;

Waverley’s Behaviour Curriculum and Rationale

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