School Alerts

Home Learning

Learning beyond the classroom is a vital part of ensuring that our children succeed.

It helps teachers to maximise the learning time in class, and gives pupils the opportunity to extend and deepen their understanding. Students across the school are set a variety of tasks to complete outside of lessons. These will be set at a level appropriate to their age and their standard of attainment.

Home reading is essential for the development of reading and comprehension. Reading 3x weekly with your child supports this. Please sign your child’s reading record each time they have read.

There are a variety of websites and applications we use within school which you can access at home to support with your child’s development. (All year groups)

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so. (Year 5 and 6)

An online learning platform where Maths tasks are set by your class teacher. Each task incorporates a video to support children with a Maths concept and then a quiz to test their understanding. Year 6 tasks are set weekly as part of SATs revision, however speak to your class teacher if your child feels their is a specific area they would like further consolidation with. (all year groups)

The website is free to sign up. Once sign up videos, guides and tests are available for a range of subjects. (all year groups)

Free curriculum-mapped videos for your child which are arranged by subject and age-group. (all year groups)

Free educational videos, guides and audio clips, as well as an archive of Live Lessons. (Y3-Y6)

Pobble is a website which supports reading and writing. Daily pictures and reading resources are posted daily.


The website address is: 

Parent email:
Password: waverleyac

Please find below suggested text to send to your families (this is the all the information before the video appears).

real PE at home – online learning resources

real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. It includes a programme specifically for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges and 1000s of hours of fun and activity. This programme is also great for family play and fun.

It also includes a programme for children in Key Stage 2, with daily and weekly guidance provided for both programmes (starting from next week) in addition to an option to choose your own themes and activities.

There are so many benefits to being active, not only to our physical wellbeing but also to our emotional and mental health, especially in such testing times for all of us. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months. Here are the details to access real PE at home:

The website address is: 
Parent email:
Password: waverleyac

We know a change of routine can be difficult for your child. Please find a range of resources to support your child at home:

SEN Useful Contacts 

Sensory Breaks

Visual Timetable








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