School Alerts


Starting school and moving to a new school is an important milestone for a child. The transition often marks a time of great excitement for families and children. We also recognise that transition occurs between year groups and Key Stages.

We want all of our children to feel happy, safe and secure. The quicker they settle into their new environment, the more confident they become in developing independence and enjoyment of their learning.

Transition from Nursery to Reception 

If you have accepted a Reception place, you should shortly receive your transition pack which includes an information leaflet outlining important features such as the school day, dinner time, uniform and absence procedures.

Before starting with us at Waverley, you will be sent application forms to complete, as well as an invitation to our communication system: My Child At School (MCAS). We will also arrange for your child’s Teacher to carry out a home visit. This is a great chance to discuss your child’s transition, and to ask any questions you may have.

Please feel free to contact the School Office if you wish to discuss anything further.

Transition for Y6 Pupils 

Doncaster LA Transition  have scheduled transition for our Y6 pupils which will take place from 1st-3rd July.  All Y6 pupils should have received a Flying High Transition Booklet through the post, along with a code to access your child’s Secondary School Google Classroom. If you require any further information regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Additionally, each secondary school’s transition looks slightly different. We will update you directly regarding any transition arragements we receive. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

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